On June 27th TENI – Transgender Equality Network Ireland and Cycling Ireland will partner to organise a trans+ inclusive Pride Cycle at the famous Sundrive Velodrome.
The Event (open to youth aged between 12 – 18) is potentially an amazing opportunity to introduce young Trans people to the sport of Cycling.
Cycling is possibly one of the greatest and most accessible sports in the world (in my admittedly biased opinion, having won many Elite National Medals & Titles).
The tallest and most muscular individual can face the smallest most sinewy athlete on an equal footing in a battle of strength, speed, endurance, aerodynamics and wit.
However, if one of our amazing young trans people likes what they see on the 27th, they will be faced with exclusion, and barriers to progression.
Cycling Ireland will be delighted to promote a Trans event during Pride Month. They will roll out their Rainbow Logos and openly express their inclusivity and diversity, just like they did last year.
In June 2023 Intersex Ireland, along with assistance from members of OII Europe reviewed Cycling Irelands published policy for Trans and Intersex people and found it to be completely outdated.
Cycling Ireland sent an email thanking us for bringing it to their attention . They made a commitment to ‘act accordingly, with the appropriate staff and medical people’.
For the entire month of June Cycling Ireland proudly displayed its Pride colours, whilst behind the scenes preparing to adopt a policy to ban Trans and Intersex athletes from competing.
C.I. also continued to display outdated, derogatory and offensive language on their website as regards to Trans & Intersex members, even after the official request to amend the policy from Intersex Ireland.
On the August 3rd 2023 Cycling Ireland published its intention to adopt the new UCI (Union Cycliste Internationale) policy (July 17th) in regard to Transgender athletes.
Trans Women and Intersex people were immediately prohibited from participating in women’s events in all categories and all disciplines.
A year is a long time in Sport and in March this year Sport Ireland published a new guidance on the inclusion of transgender and non-binary people in sport.
The relatively useless and offensive document was delivered by Dr Úna May, CEO of Sport Ireland.
Dr Úna May has been heavily involved in Cycling for many years. She consults regularly with the Board, attends National and Regional AGMs, has advised Commissions, has questioned and criticised some Selections and Selection Criteria, and it is the Sport her children compete in.
In April this year TET (Trans Equality Together) wrote to Dr Úna May to express the anxiety around the growing exclusionary narrative around trans people’s participation in sport, and particularly in regard to trans women and girls.
The response doubled down on their intention to exclude Trans people from competitive sport on an equal footing with their Cis peers.
Cycling Ireland can now reference their alliance with the national governing body for Trans people in Ireland (TENI) as an example of their inclusivity, and at the same time demand that Trans women race with the Men (Open).
Pride is not protest for those paid to represent us.
Sorcha Ní Fhaoláin
About Us:
Where Are We Based? Our members are spread out all across Ireland. This is unusual, as most cycling clubs are based on people starting rides from their local area. We were founded in Adamstown in Dublin, but we now have activities across the city. Arcane Cycling Team are registered in Naas County Kildare.
OUR VIBE: It’s chill, fun, friendly and supportive. There’s no pressure to race but lots of encouragement if you’re up for it. We’re welcoming to new joiners and we’ll give you as much advice and info as we can, whatever you want to try. Plus, plenty of fun to be had in our skills sessions.Our unique club environment is a welcome change, for our members, from the traditions and rules of what has been a male-dominated sport.
We acknowledge that cycling can be an elitist sport, and we’re doing what we can to change that, and improve representation for minority groups. We have a diversity and inclusion group who are dedicated to ensuring the club is accessible for women and non-binary people of colour, trans women and non-binary people.
WHERE WE STARTED: Arcane CT was founded in 2012 as a very successful Elite Road & Track racing team. In 2016 we reformed as a club with a focus on Elite Women’s Cycling.
In 2025 we relaunched open to all women and non-binary people of colour, trans women and non-binary people, with more focus on participation over the Road & Track cycling disciplines.
We are now completely member-run, with a small committee to make decisions and organise all the stuff we do. We’re always evolving.